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  • 节点转换完毕之后 会判断编译配置中是否配置了 hoistStatic 如果配置了就会执行 hoistStatic 做静态提升
  • 静态提升是 vue3 编译阶段的一个优化策略
  • 因为静态节点不依赖动态数据 一旦创建了就不会改变 所以 只有静态节点才能被提升到外部创建
  • 主要操作就是从 根节点开始 通过深度优化的方式递归遍历节点并做判断
  • 如果一个节点是一个元素节点 会通过 getConstantType 获取节点的常量类型


  • 会根据节点类型的不同 返回不同的值
  • 对于文本和注释节点 返回 3 CAN_STRINGIFY
  • 对于元素节点 会判断节点自身以及它子元素的类型 属性类型 再去决定它的常量类型
    • 如果发现没有任何动态数据 就是可以被静态提升的
  • 虽然有的节点会包含一些动态节点 但是本身的静态属性还是可以被静态提升的
  • 如果节点满足可以被静态提升的条件 节点对应的 codegenNode 会通过执行 context.hoist 将其修改为一个简单的表达式节点
export function getConstantType(
  node: TemplateChildNode | SimpleExpressionNode,
  context: TransformContext
): ConstantTypes {
  const { constantCache } = context
  switch (node.type) {
    case NodeTypes.ELEMENT:
      if (node.tagType !== ElementTypes.ELEMENT) {
        return ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT
      const cached = constantCache.get(node)
      if (cached !== undefined) {
        return cached
      const codegenNode = node.codegenNode!
      if (codegenNode.type !== NodeTypes.VNODE_CALL) {
        return ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT
      if (
        codegenNode.isBlock &&
        node.tag !== 'svg' &&
        node.tag !== 'foreignObject'
      ) {
        return ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT
      const flag = getPatchFlag(codegenNode)
      if (!flag) {
        let returnType = ConstantTypes.CAN_STRINGIFY

        // Element itself has no patch flag. However we still need to check:

        // 1. Even for a node with no patch flag, it is possible for it to contain
        // non-hoistable expressions that refers to scope variables, e.g. compiler
        // injected keys or cached event handlers. Therefore we need to always
        // check the codegenNode's props to be sure.
        const generatedPropsType = getGeneratedPropsConstantType(node, context)
        if (generatedPropsType === ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT) {
          constantCache.set(node, ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT)
          return ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT
        if (generatedPropsType < returnType) {
          returnType = generatedPropsType

        // 2. its children.
        for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
          const childType = getConstantType(node.children[i], context)
          if (childType === ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT) {
            constantCache.set(node, ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT)
            return ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT
          if (childType < returnType) {
            returnType = childType

        // 3. if the type is not already CAN_SKIP_PATCH which is the lowest non-0
        // type, check if any of the props can cause the type to be lowered
        // we can skip can_patch because it's guaranteed by the absence of a
        // patchFlag.
        if (returnType > ConstantTypes.CAN_SKIP_PATCH) {
          for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) {
            const p = node.props[i]
            if (p.type === NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE && === 'bind' && p.exp) {
              const expType = getConstantType(p.exp, context)
              if (expType === ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT) {
                constantCache.set(node, ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT)
                return ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT
              if (expType < returnType) {
                returnType = expType

        // only svg/foreignObject could be block here, however if they are
        // static then they don't need to be blocks since there will be no
        // nested updates.
        if (codegenNode.isBlock) {
          // except set custom directives.
          for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) {
            const p = node.props[i]
            if (p.type === NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE) {
              constantCache.set(node, ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT)
              return ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT

            getVNodeBlockHelper(context.inSSR, codegenNode.isComponent)
          codegenNode.isBlock = false
          context.helper(getVNodeHelper(context.inSSR, codegenNode.isComponent))

        constantCache.set(node, returnType)
        return returnType
      } else {
        constantCache.set(node, ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT)
        return ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT
    case NodeTypes.TEXT:
    case NodeTypes.COMMENT:
      return ConstantTypes.CAN_STRINGIFY
    case NodeTypes.IF:
    case NodeTypes.FOR:
    case NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH:
      return ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT
    case NodeTypes.INTERPOLATION:
    case NodeTypes.TEXT_CALL:
      return getConstantType(node.content, context)
    case NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION:
      return node.constType
      let returnType = ConstantTypes.CAN_STRINGIFY
      for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
        const child = node.children[i]
        if (isString(child) || isSymbol(child)) {
        const childType = getConstantType(child, context)
        if (childType === ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT) {
          return ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT
        } else if (childType < returnType) {
          returnType = childType
      return returnType
      if (__DEV__) {
        const exhaustiveCheck: never = node
      return ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT


  • 静态提升过程最终结果还是修改了可以被静态提升的节点的 codegenNode
  • 静态提升创建的节点 放在的 render 函数的外部
  • render 函数内部时钟会保持对静态节点的引用 导致的后果就是 组件即使销毁 静态提升的节点所占用的内存不会释放
  • 静态提升是空间换时间的优化手段 相比于被占用的内存成本 性能方面的提升会给用户带来更多的收益

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