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遍历 AST 节点

  • 通过 traverseNode 函数完成
  • 递归遍历 ast 节点 针对每个节点执行一系列的转换函数 有些还会设计退出函数
  • 当执行完函数后 会返回一个或多个退出函数
  • vue 内置了很多转换函数 处理指令 表达式 元素节点 文本节点等不同的特性
export function traverseNode(
  node: RootNode | TemplateChildNode,
  context: TransformContext
) {
  context.currentNode = node
  // apply transform plugins
  const { nodeTransforms } = context
  const exitFns = []
  for (let i = 0; i < nodeTransforms.length; i++) {
    const onExit = nodeTransforms[i](node, context)
    if (onExit) {
      if (isArray(onExit)) {
      } else {
    if (!context.currentNode) {
      // node was removed
    } else {
      // node may have been replaced
      node = context.currentNode

  switch (node.type) {
    case NodeTypes.COMMENT:
      if (!context.ssr) {
        // inject import for the Comment symbol, which is needed for creating
        // comment nodes with `createVNode`
    case NodeTypes.INTERPOLATION:
      // no need to traverse, but we need to inject toString helper
      if (!context.ssr) {

    // for container types, further traverse downwards
    case NodeTypes.IF:
      for (let i = 0; i < node.branches.length; i++) {
        traverseNode(node.branches[i], context)
    case NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH:
    case NodeTypes.FOR:
    case NodeTypes.ELEMENT:
    case NodeTypes.ROOT:
      traverseChildren(node, context)

  // exit transforms
  context.currentNode = node
  let i = exitFns.length
  while (i--) {

element 节点转换函数

  • transformElement 函数 实现
  • 会返回一个退出函数 会在该元素节点的子节点逻辑处理完毕之后 退出
  • 判断这个节点是不是一个 block 节点
    • 为了运行时的更新优化 vue3 设计了一个 block tree 的概念
    • 将模版基于动态节点指令进行切割的嵌套区块
    • 每个区块需要一个 array 追踪自身包含的动态节点
    • 借助 block 节点 将 node 的更新性能 由模版整体大小提升为了 动态内容的数量相关 极大的优化了 diff
  • 然后处理节点的 props
    • 从 props 对象进一步解析出指令 vnodeDirectives 动态属性 dynamicPropsNames 以及更新标识 patchFlag
    • patchFlag 主要用于标识节点更新的类型
  • 处理节点的 chilren
    • 对于组件节点而言 如果有子节点 说明就是组件的插槽会有一些内置组件的处理逻辑
    • 对于一个普通元素节点来说 直接把节点的 chilren 属性 拿给 vnodeChilren 就行
    • 当节点只有一个子节点 并且是一个普通文本节点 插值 表达式 就直接把值 赋值给 vnodeChildren
export const transformElement: NodeTransform = (node, context) => {
  // perform the work on exit, after all child expressions have been
  // processed and merged.
  return function postTransformElement() {
    node = context.currentNode!

    if (
        node.type === NodeTypes.ELEMENT &&
        (node.tagType === ElementTypes.ELEMENT ||
          node.tagType === ElementTypes.COMPONENT)
    ) {

    const { tag, props } = node
    const isComponent = node.tagType === ElementTypes.COMPONENT

    // The goal of the transform is to create a codegenNode implementing the
    // VNodeCall interface.
    let vnodeTag = isComponent
      ? resolveComponentType(node as ComponentNode, context)
      : `"${tag}"`

    const isDynamicComponent =
      isObject(vnodeTag) && vnodeTag.callee === RESOLVE_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT

    let vnodeProps: VNodeCall['props']
    let vnodeChildren: VNodeCall['children']
    let vnodePatchFlag: VNodeCall['patchFlag']
    let patchFlag: number = 0
    let vnodeDynamicProps: VNodeCall['dynamicProps']
    let dynamicPropNames: string[] | undefined
    let vnodeDirectives: VNodeCall['directives']

    let shouldUseBlock =
      // dynamic component may resolve to plain elements
      isDynamicComponent ||
      vnodeTag === TELEPORT ||
      vnodeTag === SUSPENSE ||
      (!isComponent &&
        // <svg> and <foreignObject> must be forced into blocks so that block
        // updates inside get proper isSVG flag at runtime. (#639, #643)
        // This is technically web-specific, but splitting the logic out of core
        // leads to too much unnecessary complexity.
        (tag === 'svg' || tag === 'foreignObject'))

    // props
    if (props.length > 0) {
      const propsBuildResult = buildProps(
      vnodeProps = propsBuildResult.props
      patchFlag = propsBuildResult.patchFlag
      dynamicPropNames = propsBuildResult.dynamicPropNames
      const directives = propsBuildResult.directives
      vnodeDirectives =
        directives && directives.length
          ? (createArrayExpression(
     => buildDirectiveArgs(dir, context))
            ) as DirectiveArguments)
          : undefined

      if (propsBuildResult.shouldUseBlock) {
        shouldUseBlock = true

    // children
    if (node.children.length > 0) {
      if (vnodeTag === KEEP_ALIVE) {
        // Although a built-in component, we compile KeepAlive with raw children
        // instead of slot functions so that it can be used inside Transition
        // or other Transition-wrapping HOCs.
        // To ensure correct updates with block optimizations, we need to:
        // 1. Force keep-alive into a block. This avoids its children being
        //    collected by a parent block.
        shouldUseBlock = true
        // 2. Force keep-alive to always be updated, since it uses raw children.
        patchFlag |= PatchFlags.DYNAMIC_SLOTS
        if (__DEV__ && node.children.length > 1) {
            createCompilerError(ErrorCodes.X_KEEP_ALIVE_INVALID_CHILDREN, {
              start: node.children[0].loc.start,
              end: node.children[node.children.length - 1].loc.end,
              source: ''

      const shouldBuildAsSlots =
        isComponent &&
        // Teleport is not a real component and has dedicated runtime handling
        vnodeTag !== TELEPORT &&
        // explained above.
        vnodeTag !== KEEP_ALIVE

      if (shouldBuildAsSlots) {
        const { slots, hasDynamicSlots } = buildSlots(node, context)
        vnodeChildren = slots
        if (hasDynamicSlots) {
          patchFlag |= PatchFlags.DYNAMIC_SLOTS
      } else if (node.children.length === 1 && vnodeTag !== TELEPORT) {
        const child = node.children[0]
        const type = child.type
        // check for dynamic text children
        const hasDynamicTextChild =
          type === NodeTypes.INTERPOLATION ||
          type === NodeTypes.COMPOUND_EXPRESSION
        if (
          hasDynamicTextChild &&
          getConstantType(child, context) === ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT
        ) {
          patchFlag |= PatchFlags.TEXT
        // pass directly if the only child is a text node
        // (plain / interpolation / expression)
        if (hasDynamicTextChild || type === NodeTypes.TEXT) {
          vnodeChildren = child as TemplateTextChildNode
        } else {
          vnodeChildren = node.children
      } else {
        vnodeChildren = node.children

    // patchFlag & dynamicPropNames
    if (patchFlag !== 0) {
      if (__DEV__) {
        if (patchFlag < 0) {
          // special flags (negative and mutually exclusive)
          vnodePatchFlag = patchFlag + ` /* ${PatchFlagNames[patchFlag]} */`
        } else {
          // bitwise flags
          const flagNames = Object.keys(PatchFlagNames)
            .filter(n => n > 0 && patchFlag & n)
            .map(n => PatchFlagNames[n])
            .join(`, `)
          vnodePatchFlag = patchFlag + ` /* ${flagNames} */`
      } else {
        vnodePatchFlag = String(patchFlag)
      if (dynamicPropNames && dynamicPropNames.length) {
        vnodeDynamicProps = stringifyDynamicPropNames(dynamicPropNames)

    node.codegenNode = createVNodeCall(
      false /* disableTracking */,


  • transformExpression 函数实现
  • 主要就是转换插值和元素节点中的动态表达式
  • 内部主要通过 processExporession 函数完成
  • 模版 执行 parse 生成的表达式节点 node.content 是一个简单的表达式
    • 通过 processExporession 处理后 变成了一个复合表达式的对象
  • processExporession 内部依赖了 @babel/parse 解析表达式生成 ast 节点
    • 依赖了 estree-walker 遍历了 ast 节点 然后分析判断是否需要对节点添加前缀
    • 接着修改 ast 节点 转换生成新的表达式对象
  • 因为 @babel/parse 通常是在 node js 使用 本身体积很大 所以生产环境web端不会引入这个库 因为生产环境也不需要对表达式进行转换
    • web 生产环境 运行时编译会使用 with 方式
export const transformExpression: NodeTransform = (node, context) => {
  if (node.type === NodeTypes.INTERPOLATION) {
    node.content = processExpression(
      node.content as SimpleExpressionNode,
  } else if (node.type === NodeTypes.ELEMENT) {
    // handle directives on element
    for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) {
      const dir = node.props[i]
      // do not process for v-on & v-for since they are special handled
      if (dir.type === NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE && !== 'for') {
        const exp = dir.exp
        const arg = dir.arg
        // do not process exp if this is v-on:arg - we need special handling
        // for wrapping inline statements.
        if (
          exp &&
          exp.type === NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION &&
          !( === 'on' && arg)
        ) {
          dir.exp = processExpression(
            // slot args must be processed as function params
   === 'slot'
        if (arg && arg.type === NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION && !arg.isStatic) {
          dir.arg = processExpression(arg, context)
// Important: since this function uses Node.js only dependencies, it should
// always be used with a leading !__BROWSER__ check so that it can be
// tree-shaken from the browser build.
export function processExpression(
  node: SimpleExpressionNode,
  context: TransformContext,
  // some expressions like v-slot props & v-for aliases should be parsed as
  // function params
  asParams = false,
  // v-on handler values may contain multiple statements
  asRawStatements = false,
  localVars: Record<string, number> = Object.create(context.identifiers)
): ExpressionNode {
  if (__BROWSER__) {
    if (__DEV__) {
      // simple in-browser validation (same logic in 2.x)
      validateBrowserExpression(node, context, asParams, asRawStatements)
    return node

  if (!context.prefixIdentifiers || !node.content.trim()) {
    return node

  const { inline, bindingMetadata } = context
  const rewriteIdentifier = (raw: string, parent?: Node, id?: Identifier) => {
    const type = hasOwn(bindingMetadata, raw) && bindingMetadata[raw]
    if (inline) {
      // x = y
      const isAssignmentLVal =
        parent && parent.type === 'AssignmentExpression' && parent.left === id
      // x++
      const isUpdateArg =
        parent && parent.type === 'UpdateExpression' && parent.argument === id
      // ({ x } = y)
      const isDestructureAssignment =
        parent && isInDestructureAssignment(parent, parentStack)

      if (
        type === BindingTypes.SETUP_CONST ||
        type === BindingTypes.SETUP_REACTIVE_CONST ||
      ) {
        return raw
      } else if (type === BindingTypes.SETUP_REF) {
        return `${raw}.value`
      } else if (type === BindingTypes.SETUP_MAYBE_REF) {
        // const binding that may or may not be ref
        // if it's not a ref, then assignments don't make sense -
        // so we ignore the non-ref assignment case and generate code
        // that assumes the value to be a ref for more efficiency
        return isAssignmentLVal || isUpdateArg || isDestructureAssignment
          ? `${raw}.value`
          : `${context.helperString(UNREF)}(${raw})`
      } else if (type === BindingTypes.SETUP_LET) {
        if (isAssignmentLVal) {
          // let binding.
          // this is a bit more tricky as we need to cover the case where
          // let is a local non-ref value, and we need to replicate the
          // right hand side value.
          // x = y --> isRef(x) ? x.value = y : x = y
          const { right: rVal, operator } = parent as AssignmentExpression
          const rExp = rawExp.slice(rVal.start! - 1, rVal.end! - 1)
          const rExpString = stringifyExpression(
              createSimpleExpression(rExp, false),
          return `${context.helperString(IS_REF)}(${raw})${
            context.isTS ? ` //@ts-ignore\n` : ``
          } ? ${raw}.value ${operator} ${rExpString} : ${raw}`
        } else if (isUpdateArg) {
          // make id replace parent in the code range so the raw update operator
          // is removed
          id!.start = parent!.start
          id!.end = parent!.end
          const { prefix: isPrefix, operator } = parent as UpdateExpression
          const prefix = isPrefix ? operator : ``
          const postfix = isPrefix ? `` : operator
          // let binding.
          // x++ --> isRef(a) ? a.value++ : a++
          return `${context.helperString(IS_REF)}(${raw})${
            context.isTS ? ` //@ts-ignore\n` : ``
          } ? ${prefix}${raw}.value${postfix} : ${prefix}${raw}${postfix}`
        } else if (isDestructureAssignment) {
          // TODO
          // let binding in a destructure assignment - it's very tricky to
          // handle both possible cases here without altering the original
          // structure of the code, so we just assume it's not a ref here
          // for now
          return raw
        } else {
          return `${context.helperString(UNREF)}(${raw})`
      } else if (type === BindingTypes.PROPS) {
        // use __props which is generated by compileScript so in ts mode
        // it gets correct type
        return genPropsAccessExp(raw)
      } else if (type === BindingTypes.PROPS_ALIASED) {
        // prop with a different local alias (from defineProps() destructure)
        return genPropsAccessExp(bindingMetadata.__propsAliases![raw])
    } else {
      if (type && type.startsWith('setup')) {
        // setup bindings in non-inline mode
        return `$setup.${raw}`
      } else if (type === BindingTypes.PROPS_ALIASED) {
        return `$props['${bindingMetadata.__propsAliases![raw]}']`
      } else if (type) {
        return `$${type}.${raw}`

    // fallback to ctx
    return `_ctx.${raw}`

  // fast path if expression is a simple identifier.
  const rawExp = node.content
  // bail constant on parens (function invocation) and dot (member access)
  const bailConstant = rawExp.indexOf(`(`) > -1 || rawExp.indexOf('.') > 0

  if (isSimpleIdentifier(rawExp)) {
    const isScopeVarReference = context.identifiers[rawExp]
    const isAllowedGlobal = isGloballyWhitelisted(rawExp)
    const isLiteral = isLiteralWhitelisted(rawExp)
    if (!asParams && !isScopeVarReference && !isAllowedGlobal && !isLiteral) {
      // const bindings exposed from setup can be skipped for patching but
      // cannot be hoisted to module scope
      if (bindingMetadata[node.content] === BindingTypes.SETUP_CONST) {
        node.constType = ConstantTypes.CAN_SKIP_PATCH
      node.content = rewriteIdentifier(rawExp)
    } else if (!isScopeVarReference) {
      if (isLiteral) {
        node.constType = ConstantTypes.CAN_STRINGIFY
      } else {
        node.constType = ConstantTypes.CAN_HOIST
    return node

  let ast: any
  // exp needs to be parsed differently:
  // 1. Multiple inline statements (v-on, with presence of `;`): parse as raw
  //    exp, but make sure to pad with spaces for consistent ranges
  // 2. Expressions: wrap with parens (for e.g. object expressions)
  // 3. Function arguments (v-for, v-slot): place in a function argument position
  const source = asRawStatements
    ? ` ${rawExp} `
    : `(${rawExp})${asParams ? `=>{}` : ``}`
  try {
    ast = parse(source, {
      plugins: context.expressionPlugins
  } catch (e: any) {
    return node

  type QualifiedId = Identifier & PrefixMeta
  const ids: QualifiedId[] = []
  const parentStack: Node[] = []
  const knownIds: Record<string, number> = Object.create(context.identifiers)

    (node, parent, _, isReferenced, isLocal) => {
      if (isStaticPropertyKey(node, parent!)) {
      // v2 wrapped filter call
      if (__COMPAT__ &&'_filter_')) {

      const needPrefix = isReferenced && canPrefix(node)
      if (needPrefix && !isLocal) {
        if (isStaticProperty(parent!) && parent.shorthand) {
          // property shorthand like { foo }, we need to add the key since
          // we rewrite the value
          ;(node as QualifiedId).prefix = `${}: `
        } = rewriteIdentifier(, parent, node)
        ids.push(node as QualifiedId)
      } else {
        // The identifier is considered constant unless it's pointing to a
        // local scope variable (a v-for alias, or a v-slot prop)
        if (!(needPrefix && isLocal) && !bailConstant) {
          ;(node as QualifiedId).isConstant = true
        // also generate sub-expressions for other identifiers for better
        // source map support. (except for property keys which are static)
        ids.push(node as QualifiedId)
    true, // invoke on ALL identifiers

  // We break up the compound expression into an array of strings and sub
  // expressions (for identifiers that have been prefixed). In codegen, if
  // an ExpressionNode has the `.children` property, it will be used instead of
  // `.content`.
  const children: CompoundExpressionNode['children'] = []
  ids.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start)
  ids.forEach((id, i) => {
    // range is offset by -1 due to the wrapping parens when parsed
    const start = id.start - 1
    const end = id.end - 1
    const last = ids[i - 1]
    const leadingText = rawExp.slice(last ? last.end - 1 : 0, start)
    if (leadingText.length || id.prefix) {
      children.push(leadingText + (id.prefix || ``))
    const source = rawExp.slice(start, end)
          start: advancePositionWithClone(node.loc.start, source, start),
          end: advancePositionWithClone(node.loc.start, source, end)
        id.isConstant ? ConstantTypes.CAN_STRINGIFY : ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT
    if (i === ids.length - 1 && end < rawExp.length) {

  let ret
  if (children.length) {
    ret = createCompoundExpression(children, node.loc)
  } else {
    ret = node
    ret.constType = bailConstant
      ? ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT
      : ConstantTypes.CAN_STRINGIFY
  ret.identifiers = Object.keys(knownIds)
  return ret

Text 节点转换函数

  • transformText 函数实现
  • 只处理 根节点 元素节点 v-for 以及 v-if 分支相关节点
  • 会返回一个退出函数 因为要保证所有表达式节点都已经处理完毕才执行转换逻辑
  • 目的就是 合并一些相邻的文本节点 然后为内部每一个文本节点创建一个代码生成节点
  • 在内部 静态文本节点和动态插值节点都被看作成一个文本节点 所以函数首先遍历节点的子节点 然后把子节点相邻的文本节点合并成一个
  • 合并完子文本节点后 判断是不是只带有单个文本子元素的纯元素节点 且元素上不存在自定义指令 那么不需要转换 因为 运行时可用通过设置元素的 textContent 直接更新文本

// Merge adjacent text nodes and expressions into a single expression
// e.g. <div>abc {{ d }} {{ e }}</div> should have a single expression node as child.
export const transformText: NodeTransform = (node, context) => {
  if (
    node.type === NodeTypes.ROOT ||
    node.type === NodeTypes.ELEMENT ||
    node.type === NodeTypes.FOR ||
    node.type === NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH
  ) {
    // perform the transform on node exit so that all expressions have already
    // been processed.
    return () => {
      const children = node.children
      let currentContainer: CompoundExpressionNode | undefined = undefined
      let hasText = false

      for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
        const child = children[i]
        if (isText(child)) {
          hasText = true
          for (let j = i + 1; j < children.length; j++) {
            const next = children[j]
            if (isText(next)) {
              if (!currentContainer) {
                currentContainer = children[i] = createCompoundExpression(
              // merge adjacent text node into current
              currentContainer.children.push(` + `, next)
              children.splice(j, 1)
            } else {
              currentContainer = undefined

      if (
        !hasText ||
        // if this is a plain element with a single text child, leave it
        // as-is since the runtime has dedicated fast path for this by directly
        // setting textContent of the element.
        // for component root it's always normalized anyway.
        (children.length === 1 &&
          (node.type === NodeTypes.ROOT ||
            (node.type === NodeTypes.ELEMENT &&
              node.tagType === ElementTypes.ELEMENT &&
              // #3756
              // custom directives can potentially add DOM elements arbitrarily,
              // we need to avoid setting textContent of the element at runtime
              // to avoid accidentally overwriting the DOM elements added
              // by the user through custom directives.
                p =>
                  p.type === NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE &&
              ) &&
              // in compat mode, <template> tags with no special directives
              // will be rendered as a fragment so its children must be
              // converted into vnodes.
              !(__COMPAT__ && node.tag === 'template'))))
      ) {

      // pre-convert text nodes into createTextVNode(text) calls to avoid
      // runtime normalization.
      for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
        const child = children[i]
        if (isText(child) || child.type === NodeTypes.COMPOUND_EXPRESSION) {
          const callArgs: CallExpression['arguments'] = []
          // createTextVNode defaults to single whitespace, so if it is a
          // single space the code could be an empty call to save bytes.
          if (child.type !== NodeTypes.TEXT || child.content !== ' ') {
          // mark dynamic text with flag so it gets patched inside a block
          if (
            !context.ssr &&
            getConstantType(child, context) === ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT
          ) {
              PatchFlags.TEXT +
                (__DEV__ ? ` /* ${PatchFlagNames[PatchFlags.TEXT]} */` : ``)
          children[i] = {
            type: NodeTypes.TEXT_CALL,
            content: child,
            loc: child.loc,
            codegenNode: createCallExpression(

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